paper-cutting machine - перевод на русский
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paper-cutting machine - перевод на русский

Chinese paper art; Chinese papercutting; Chinese Paper Cutting; Jianzhi; Jian zhi; Window paper-cuts; Chinese paper-cut; Chinese paper-cutting
  • Chinese [[paper cutting]]s in a shop.

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бумагорезательная машина

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автоматическое оружие для поражения наземных, воздушных и морских целей. Изобретен в 80-х гг. 19 в. Различают пулеметы ручные (с сошкой), станковые (на треноге или колесах), единые, используемые в обоих вариантах, и крупнокалиберные; по назначению - пехотные, зенитные, авиационные, танковые и др. По калибру пулеметы делятся на пулеметы малого (до 6,5 мм), нормального (от 6,5 до 9 мм) и крупного (от 9 до 14,5 мм) калибра.


Chinese paper cutting

The art of paper cutting (Chinese: 剪紙; pinyin: jiǎnzhǐ) in China may date back to the 2nd century CE, when paper was invented by Cai Lun, a court official of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

As paper became more affordable, paper-cutting became one of the most important types of Chinese folk art. Later, this art form spread to other parts of the world, with different regions adopting their own cultural styles. Because the cut-outs are often used to decorate doors and windows, they are sometimes referred to as "window flowers" (窗花; chuāng huā) or "window paper-cuts". These cut-paper decorations are often glued to the exterior of windows, so the light from the inside shines through the negative space of the cutout. Usually, the artworks are made of red paper, as red is associated with festivities and luck in Chinese culture, but other colours are also used. Normally cut-paper artwork is used on festivals such as Chinese New Year, weddings and childbirth, as cut-paper artwork is considered to symbolize luck and happiness.

Примеры употребления для paper-cutting machine
1. They also seized 62 forged copies of the metallic thread used in banknotes to certify authenticity, as well as paper, ink, a paper–cutting machine and other equipment believed to have been used to produce the counterfeit notes.